1.04 Web框架概览-Iris框架分析

PART1. 基本使用

package iris

import (

func TestHelloWorld(t *testing.T) {
	app := iris.New()

	app.Get("/", func(ctx iris.Context) {
		_, _ = ctx.HTML("Hello <strong>%s</strong>!", "World")

	_ = app.Listen(":8083")


PART2. Application


// Application is responsible to manage the state of the application.
// It contains and handles all the necessary parts to create a fast web server.
type Application struct {
	// routing embedded | exposing APIBuilder's and Router's public API.
	ContextPool *context.Pool

	config *Configuration

	logger *golog.Logger

	I18n *i18n.I18n

	// view engine
	view view.View
	// used for build
	builded     bool
	defaultMode bool

	mu sync.Mutex
	Hosts             []*host.Supervisor
	hostConfigurators []host.Configurator


  • 生命周期控制功能:例如Application.Run()/Application.Shutdown()等方法

  • 注册路由的API:例如Application中的APIBuilder字段(该字段的类型为*router.APIBuilder),该字段有APIBuilder.Get()/APIBuilder.Post()等方法


PART3. 路由相关功能



3.1 Route


// Route contains the information about a registered Route.
// If any of the following fields are changed then the
// caller should Refresh the router.
type Route struct {
	// The Party which this Route was created and registered on.
	Party       Party
	Title       string         `json:"title"`       // custom name to replace the method on debug logging.
	Name        string         `json:"name"`        // "userRoute"
	Description string         `json:"description"` // "lists a user"
	Method      string         `json:"method"`      // "GET"
	StatusCode  int            `json:"statusCode"`  // 404 (only for HTTP error handlers).
	methodBckp  string         // if Method changed to something else (which is possible at runtime as well, via RefreshRouter) then this field will be filled with the old one.
	Subdomain   string         `json:"subdomain"` // "admin."
	tmpl        macro.Template // Tmpl().Src: "/api/user/{id:uint64}"

	beginHandlers context.Handlers
	builtinBeginHandlers context.Handlers

	Handlers         context.Handlers `json:"-"`
	MainHandlerName  string           `json:"mainHandlerName"`
	MainHandlerIndex int              `json:"mainHandlerIndex"`
	doneHandlers context.Handlers

	Path string `json:"path"` // the underline router's representation, i.e "/api/user/:id"
	FormattedPath string `json:"formattedPath"`

	SourceFileName   string `json:"sourceFileName"`
	SourceLineNumber int    `json:"sourceLineNumber"`

	RegisterFileName   string `json:"registerFileName"`
	RegisterLineNumber int    `json:"registerLineNumber"`

	topLink *Route
	overlappedLink *Route

	// Sitemap properties: https://www.sitemaps.org/protocol.html
	NoSitemap  bool      // when this route should be hidden from sitemap.
	LastMod    time.Time `json:"lastMod,omitempty"`
	ChangeFreq string    `json:"changeFreq,omitempty"`
	Priority   float32   `json:"priority,omitempty"`

	// ReadOnly is the read-only structure of the Route.
	ReadOnly context.RouteReadOnly

	// OnBuild runs right before BuildHandlers.
	OnBuild func(r *Route)
	NoLog   bool // disables debug logging.

3.2 APIBuilder


// APIBuilder the visible API for constructing the router
// and child routers.
type APIBuilder struct {
	logger *golog.Logger
	parent *APIBuilder // currently it's not used anywhere.

	apiBuilderDI *APIContainer

	macros *macro.Macros
	properties context.Map
	routes *repository
	routesNoLog bool

	middleware          context.Handlers
	middlewareErrorCode context.Handlers
	beginGlobalHandlers context.Handlers

	// the per-party done handlers, order matters.
	doneHandlers context.Handlers
	doneGlobalHandlers context.Handlers

	relativePath string
	allowMethods []string

	handlerExecutionRules ExecutionRules
	routeRegisterRule RouteRegisterRule

	routerFilterHandlers context.Handlers
	routerFilters map[Party]*Filter
	partyMatcher PartyMatcherFunc

3.3 repository


// repository passed to all parties(subrouters), it's the object witch keeps
// all the routes.
type repository struct {
	routes []*Route
	paths  map[string]*Route // only the fullname path part, required at CreateRoutes for registering index page.


PART4. Context抽象


PART5. 抽象总结

  • Route & Party & APIBuilder:解决路由相关(路由注册/路由匹配等)的问题

  • Application:解决HTTPServer的问题

  • Context:解决请求的上下文问题

  • Handler:具体的业务逻辑代码

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